Student Resources - BBS Department
Student Resources - BBS Department
Academic Advisors
For 30 minute advising appointments, please schedule through the Rowan Success Network/Starfish:
Rowan Success Network/Starfish OR call 856-256-4459
Biological Science -
Incoming transfer student? Scheduled appointments only.

Christina Davidson-Tucci
Academic Program Advisor
Office: Robinson Hall 119
Phone: 856-256-4661
Scheduled Appointments:
Available In-person, by phone, or virtually,
Monday through Friday, 9:00 am -3:30 pm
Please schedule your appointment directly through the Rowan Success Network
Or schedule by phone through the University Advising Center: (856) 256-4459

Atla Wells
Academic Program Advisor
Scheduled Appointments:
In-person or by phone:
Monday through Thursday 9:00am-3:30pm
Virtual drop-in advising available:
Via WebEx on Fridays 9:30am -11:00 am and 1:30 pm- 3:30 pm
How to Schedule:
Advising appointments can be scheduled through the Rowan Success Network
Or schedule by phone through the University Advising Center: (856) 256-4459