Faculty Research
Faculty Research
Research Profiles of CS Faculty
Many Computer Science faculty members are active in their own research. The faculty conduct research in such areas as artificial intelligence, computer science education, cybersecurity, data mining, IOT, machine learning, network, and visualization. Check out their research profiles or explore other faculty research materials below.
Representative CS Faculty Research
Visualization and Mining of Metabolomics Data
Dr. Vasil Hnatyshin
Liquid chromatography mass spectromecy (LC-MS) data is typically very large in size and often difficult and time-consuming to interperet. This research focuses on metabolomics data collected by the mass spectrometers. It investigates various artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to automate, visualize, and, overall, streamline the process of analysis...
Self-Sovereign Identities Online
Dr. Nikolay Ivanov
The most central thing is the self-sovereign identity. It's a new word, an emerging concept. It’s the idea that our electronic accounts should belong to us; they should not be records of our activities for anyone to see. When we interact with remote services, people should maintain full control over what data is shared and how our data is used. These identities also require different kinds of security procedures, this project aims at decentralizing online accounts, so users can own and control their data in a way that is easily understandable and accessible to average citizens...
Power Distribution of Graph Mining
Dr. Guimu Guo
Through the use of graph mining, it’s possible to analyze large sets of graph data to find patterns. One of the most prominent places where this is useful is in social networking, where there’s data about lots of different people and all of that data is intertwined and interconnected. Graph mining can involve billions of individual nodes, which is very hard to handle by a serial program. When working with extremely complex data like that, it’s important to find ways to handle it efficiently. This project handles this data in clusters, allowing servers to find partial solutions that eventually lead to a full solution...
AI and Deep Learning
Dr. Silvija Kokalj-Filipovic
As AI becomes as fundamentally important as electricity, there becomes a need to defend these systems, as well as the data used by them. This project receasrches modern AI systems and Deep Learning, in order to better defend them from adversarial attacks...
Text Detection and Character Recognition in Images using Machine Learning
Dr. Anthony Breitzman
Distinguishing and recongizing text in natural settings, (e.g., on road signs, license plates, product packages) is challenging due to variations in foreground text, background objects, and lighting conditions. This research is developing machine learning algorithms to detect text in images, identify its language, translate the text and classify the text into categories.
Early Dementia Detection
Dr. Ganesh Baliga
In a world where populations are aging, many older individuals are affected with dementia. Nearly one in nine Americans over the age of 65 has Alzheimer's disease. The biological substrate associated with Alzheimer's disease can start years, if not decades, before the disease is diagnosed. Research is underway to develop digital tests for early detection...
Approaches for Analyzing Spatiotemporal Data for Anomalies
Dr. Shen-Shyang Ho
High population density urban areas have increasingly been the targets of terrorism in recent years due to the possibility of inflicting a large number of casualties in a crowded environment abd causing high impact disruption especially in the outdoor environment. The project develops new approaches to complement and validate results produced by existing approaches based on video surveillance...
Immersive Data Visualization
Dr. Bo (Beth) Sun
Exploring and analyzing big data translates information into insight. Visual analytics, as a new data analytics (DA) field, focuses on using interactive visual interface to for analytical reasoning. This research will develop a new visualization platform using immersive technology to solve dimension restrictions that traditional 2D data visualization cannot overcome.

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Faculty Research Profiles
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