Graduate Programs
Graduate Programs
Graduate Programs - Masters Degrees

Materials Science and Engineering (M.S.)
The Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering program allows students to obtain advanced knowledge in materials and expand their skill sets in emerging topics of interest. This interdisciplinary program covers a wide variety of topics such as material properties, experimental techniques, fabrication and characterization of materials, novel materials, and material-related applications.

Photonics (M.S.)
The Master of Science in Photonics program prepares students with the necessary knowledge and skills for careers in optics & photonics. This interdisciplinary program covers a wide variety of topics such as optical design, laser physics, fiber-optics, and electro-optic devices and allows students to obtain advanced knowledge in photonics and expand their skill sets in emerging topics of interest.
Graduate Programs - Doctoral Degrees

Materials Science and Engineering (Ph.D.)
The Ph.D in Materials Science & Engineering program encompasses specific research areas that include materials used in catalysis, batteries, photovoltaics, nanotechnology, construction, biomaterials, biomedical devices, electronic materials and devices, additive manufacturing, polymeric materials, composites, sensors, and many more applications.