Physics & Astronomy

Physics & Astronomy

Department of Physics & Astronomy

The Physics and Astronomy department at Rowan University fosters a high-energy environment designed to challenge and stimulate each of our students. A strong assortment of laboratory experiences not typically found at the undergraduate level, complement the student-centered classroom experience.

Our program, housed in Science Hall, has twelve distinct research facilities, allowing for student-faculty collaborative research. These facilities include labs for magnetic properties, computational physics and astronomy, physical properties, microscopy, biophysics optics, thin film deposition, condensed matter laser trapping, laser spectroscopy, biomaterials, and biophysics.

In academics, our department has regularly compared well against our region and the nation. In a recent compilation of statistics, our department was noted as a “Top Educator”; we produced, on average, 30 graduates per year which is 6th in the nation among Bachelor’s Degree Institutions.  In a previous study, we were listed as 7th in the nation in degrees earned by Underrepresented Minorities (more recent stats are not yet available). Closer to home, our department has the 3rd highest number of degree earning students in New Jersey compared to all institutions that submitted data.

The department participates in the Physics Teacher Education Coalition (PhysTEC), a nationwide project that has the mission of improving and promoting the education of future physics teachers.

Our graduates pursue exciting careers in industry and education, or continue their studies through graduate programs.

Amy Barraclaugh, Planetarium Director, speaks to NBC about the northern lights

Amy Barraclaugh, Planetarium Director, speaks to NBC about the northern lights

NBC News speaks with a planetarium director to learn more about what’s causing the spectacle.

CSM and Edelman Planetarium host Solar Eclipse Viewing Party

CSM and Edelman Planetarium host Solar Eclipse Viewing Party

With over 2,000 attendees, 6ABC News reports, "Rowan students take in rare celestial event."

Faculty, staff and students gather around Rowan's Artemis Moon Tree during the tree's planting ceremony this summer.

Rowan named custodian for an Artemis Moon Tree

This sweetgum sapling germinated from a seed flown on a 2022 NASA mission around the moon.