Mindfulness, Stress & Health Lab

  • Greeson Lab

Mindfulness, Stress & Health Lab

Welcome to the Mindfulness, Stress & Health Lab

Investigating the outcomes and mechanisms of mindfulness

The Mindfulness, Stress & Health (MSH) Lab conducts interdisciplinary research that brings together psychology, medicine, biology, and neuroscience to study the physical and mental health benefits of mindfulnessThere are many core qualities of mindfulness, including attention, awareness, acceptance, and the ability to respond versus react to stress. Our lab aims to better understand the relationship between being mindfulbeing healthyTo do that, we use different types of studies, including: survey questionnaires; lab experiments to measure stress responses, meditation, and relaxation; clinical trials to test the effectiveness of mindfulness training; and correlational studies to look for links between mindfulness and various measures of stress, health, and psychological well-being. Check out our Current Studies and latest News to learn more!

Our lab is ideal for students who want to gain research experience before applying to Ph.D. programs or medical school. Get to know our current students and Mindfulness Lab alumni here.

*The Mindfulness Lab is not accepting any new student researchers at this time.*

***Dr. Greeson does not plan to accept a new Clinical Psychology Ph.D. student for 2025.***