Lab Events
Check out our blog below, where we post lab news & events. We love to present our work, share good news, travel, and meet new friends & colleagues!The Wound-Dresser Podcast
October, 2024: Dr. Greeson joined Cooper medical student John Neri, host of The Wound-Dresser Podcast, to discuss the health benefits of mindfulness and the future of mindfulness research in medicine. Listen wherever you get your podcasts, including Spotify here.
Dr. Greeson joins Editorial Board of Frontiers in Psychology | Mindfulness
November, 2022: Lab Director, Dr. Greeson, accepted an invitation to become an Associate Editor for the new special section Mindfulness in Frontiers of Psychology (Impact Factor: 2.990). Under the leadership of Speciality Chief Editor, Kirk Warren Brown, this new special section aims to publish rigorous theoretical, empirical, and methodological work in the rapidly growing field of mindfulness research. Learn more about the Mindfulness section of Frontiers in Psychology -- including types of articles we are seeking, and detailed instructions about the submission and review process -- here. We look forward to seeing your new work soon!
Student Mental Health Conference: "Mindfulness and Mental Health"
November, 2022: Savana Coraggio ('24) and Marissa Breece ('24) were competitively selected to present at Rowan's 5th annual Student Mental Health Conference, held in the Eynon Ballroom of Chamberlain Student Center. The event, organized by students, featured six student presenters, plus an inspirational keynote address by Dr. Kha' Sadler, from Rowan's Wellness Center. Savana and Marissa's talk was titled, "Mindfulness and Mental Health." As featured in The Whit Online -- Rowan's campus newspaper -- Savana and Marissa's talk covered what mindfulness is, explained various types of mindfulness meditation, and reviewed the scientific research supporting mindfulness and mental health in college students. They ended the presentation with a guided 5-min. mindful breathing meditation from YouTube, and shared a number of mindfulness resources, including some free apps. CONGRATS on your first "invited presentation," Savana & Marissa! #RowanProud #RowanRising #RUmindful
Trait Mindfulness and Mind-Body Health in College Students: A Diversity Lens
NEW PAPER published!
November, 2022: Dr. Greeson, along with student co-authors Emma McBride, Abby Chin, Hana Lee, and Amanda Colangelo (Class of ‘20), published a new paper in the Journal of American College Health. Using data from the “RU Mindful” online survey study, we tested whether correlations between different measures of dispositional (trait) mindfulness and indicators of mind-body health -- including stress, well-being, cognitive functioning, and health behaviors -- differed as a function of gender, race, or ethnicity. While higher trait mindfulness was consistently associated with better mind-body health across each major demographic group, relationships may not be universal. There were some interesting, significant differences in men, among Black students, and in Asian students. (Read full paper to learn more!) The Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale (CAMS-R), compared to other measures of trait mindfulness, seemed to relate most strongly to college student mind-body health in this study. Future studies are needed to see whether diverse groups of students respond similarly to mindfulness training.
Does Meditation or Yoga Experience Relate to Mindfulness Scores?
NEW PAPER published!
September, 2022: Rowan senior, Kora Clauser (Class of ‘22), published her 1st first-authored paper in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. Using data from the “RU Mindful” online survey study, Kora worked closely with doctoral student Emma McBride and Dr. Greeson to examine whether college students with meditation experience, yoga experience, both, or neither, had different scores on measures of trait mindfulness, self-compassion, and decentering.
CONGRATULATIONS! Two Mindfulness Lab Alumni Start PhD Programs.
September, 2022: Congratulations to Jared Richards and Emily Barbera for starting their Clinical Psychology PhD programs this fall!! Jared is attending Stony Brook University (aka SUNY - Stony Brook) in New York, while Emily is attending Palo Alto University in California. Incredibly proud of you BOTH! #RowanRising #RowanProud
Tame Your Appetite - Men's Health
September, 2022: Dr. Greeson contributed to a story on how to Tame Your Appetite, published by Men’s Health. The story includes 10 simple tips from a number of different psychologists on how to "fill up, without filling out!"
Just Breathe: A Beginner's Guide to Meditative Breathing
August, 2022: Dr. Greeson, along with colleague and mentor Dr. Jeff Brantley from Duke University, was interviewed for a story called Just Breathe: A Beginner’s Guide to Meditative Breathing, published by HealthCentral. The story, written by Holly St. Lifer, uses a reader-friendly 10-slide format to discuss the science & practice of mindful breathing, and its associated mental and physical health benefits.
No Health without Mental Health – NEW PAPER published!
August, 2022: Based on a campfire meeting convened by the Nova Institute for Health, Dr. Greeson co-authored a paper with Drs. Susan Prescott and Mona El-Sherbini published in the open-access journal Challenges. Titled “No Health without Mental Health”, the paper shares a compelling message, underscored by powerful artwork, that inspires individual and collective action to heal a world in distress. Dr. Greeson shared five mindful strategies to help address personal and societal challenges that contribute to distress and "dis-ease."
Mindfulness, Stress, and Physical Health in College Students –
NEW PAPER published!
July, 2022: Doctoral student Emma McBride was first-author on a paper published in the journal Mindfulness. Using data from the “RU Mindful” online survey study, we applied structural equation modeling (SEM) to independently replicate the finding that perceived stress mediates the relationship between trait mindfulness and physical symptoms of stress in college students. Co-authors included doctoral student Abby Chin and undergraduate Kora Clauser.
CONGRATULATIONS! Two Mindfulness Lab Alumni Match for Internship.
July, 2022: They’ve matched! CONGRATULATIONS to Gabrielle (Abby) Chin and Emma McBride for successfully matching on their 2022-2023 APPIC Clinical Psychology Internships! This summer, Abby moved to Portland, OR, for the Integrated Care Internship Program at George Fox University. Meanwhile, Emma moved to upstate New York for her internship at the University of Rochester counseling center. We wish you both a terrific training experience, and a formative developmental year clinically! #RowanProud
May, 2022: CONGRATULATIONS to Kora Clauser (Class of '22) on graduating from Rowan with her Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences. Kora is excited to start her Masters program in Counseling at Kutztown University this summer/fall. #RowanProud
CONGRATULATIONS! Dissertation Defense.
May, 2022: CONGRATULATIONS to Emma McBride on successfully defending her dissertation! “Mindfulness to Promote Healthy Aging in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment and their Caregivers: A Mixed-Methods Feasibility and Acceptability Study.” Phenomenal job!!!! #RowanProud
Systematic Review of Mindfulness-Based School Interventions –
NEW PAPER published!
May, 2022: Former Penn Center for Mental Health research coordinator and current Utah State doctoral student Mary Phan led a multidisciplinary team to conduct a systematic review of school-based mindfulness interventions. Published in the leading journal Mindfulness, the paper grades the evidence for various mindfulness-based interventions implemented in schools. Collaborators included Drs. Tyler Renshaw, Heather Nuske, and David Mandell (pictured), among other colleagues.
CONGRATULATIONS! Promotion & Tenure.
April, 2022: CONGRATULATIONS to Dr. Greeson on being promoted to Associate Professor with tenure!!
Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale (CAMS-R)
April, 2022: Led by longtime collaborator, Greg Feldman, and his team of Simmons University alumni, Dr. Greeson co-authored a comprehensive chapter on the history, psychometrics, and utility of the highly cited Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale - Revised (CAMS-R). Published in the Handbook of Assessment in Mindfulness Research.
Rowan University's 48th Annual Psychology Research Conference
April, 2022: Two students in the Mindfulness Lab presented as part of Rowan’s Psychology Research Conference. Doctoral student Emma McBride presented a poster on the main findings from her dissertation project on the Mindfulness and Healthy Aging (MaHA) study. Senior Kora Clauser (pictured below) presented a poster on whether yoga and meditation experience in college students relates to dispositional (trait) mindfulness scores; her full article was recently published in a peer-reviewed journal.
inVIVO Campfire Meeting: "No Health without Mental Health"
April, 2022: Dr. Greeson took part in an invited panel presentation, alongside Drs. Susan Prescott, Wendy Smith, and Mona El-Sherbini, to discuss ways in which mindfulness, self-awareness, and social and environmental responsibility are vital for mental health, community health, and planetary health. See published paper in Challenges for more details on this urgent issue that requires collective action! Get connected with inVIVO Planetary Health here.
Two Years since COVID: "Ready for a Reset"
March, 2022: Dr. Greeson was interviewed for a story called Ready for a Reset, published in SJ Magazine. The story features three local South Jersey residents, all of whom used their time during the COVID-19 pandemic to ‘reset’ their priorities and their course in life. Dr. Greeson shared his thoughts on how we're often able to find a ‘silver lining’ even in highly stressful and painful times. Mindfulness offers one possible path.
inVIVO Planetary Health Conference
December, 2021: Dr. Greeson gave a “lightning talk” presentation on the main findings from the Mindfulomics study. See link to conference website here.
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Convention 2021
November, 2021: All five current members of the Mindfulness Lab presented at the virtual ABCT 2021 conference. Dr. Greeson presented a poster on main findings from the Mindfulomics study, sponsored by a Fellowship through Nova Institute for Health. Abby Chin presented a poster on a cross-sectional mediation analysis of “RU Mindful” online survey data linking trait mindfulness, perceived stress, and stress-related physical symptoms. Emma McBride presented a poster potential gender, race, and ethnicity differences in the association between trait mindfulness and indicators of mind-body health in college students. Undergraduate senior Kora Clauser presented a poster on potential differences in trait mindfulness scores in college students as a function of having meditation experience, yoga experience, both, or neither. Finally, Mary Phan, a colleague from the Penn Center for Mental Health and a current doctoral student at Utah State University, presented a poster on her systematic review of mindfulness-based school interventions.
Mindfulness, Stress, and Cognitive Functioning in College Students –
NEW PAPER published!
October, 2021: Doctoral student Emma McBride led a first-authored paper with Dr. Greeson published in Current Psychology. Using data from the “RU Mindful” online survey study, we found that lower levels of perceived stress can partly explain the relationship between higher trait mindfulness and better cognitive functioning among college students.
Trait Mindfulness and Cardiovascular Reactivity to Stress –
NEW PAPER published!
September, 2021: Supported by an NIH Diversity Supplement Award grant, doctoral student Gabrielle (Abby) Chin published a first-authored paper in the flagship journal Mindfulness. Using baseline data from the Serenity Study, an NHLBI funded multisite R01 clinical trial, she used latent growth curve modeling to examine the link between different facets of dispositional (trait) mindfulness and blood pressure responses to emotional stress, a known predictor of hypertension and cardiovascular risk. The parent R01 grant was led by Dr. David Fresco (Project PI, right), Dr. Greeson, and Dr. Joel Hughes (2nd from right).
The Mindfulness Podcast
August, 2021: Dr. Greeson joined Dr. David Black, host of The Mindfulness Podcast, to discuss applying mindfulness in clinical psychology. Listen to Episode 2 (and many others!) here.
International Conference on Mindfulness
July, 2021: Dr. Greeson chaired a symposium titled “Mindfulness and Cardiovascular Health” as part of the virtual International Conference on Mindfulness. Dr. Greeson presented main findings from the Serenity Study, a two-site RCT funded by NIH/NHLBI. As part of the same symposium, doctoral student Abby Chin presented baseline analyses from the Serenity Study, supported by her NIH Diversity Supplement Award, and doctoral student Emma McBride presented findings from her master’s thesis on equanimity and cardiovascular responses to stress following MBSR. Rounding out the symposium, colleague Dr. Jeff Proulx from the Mindfulness Center at Brown presented a talk on adapting mindfulness training for Native American communities with cardiometabolic health disparities, part of his NIH/NCCIH “Pathway to Independence” award.
Rowan University's 47th Annual Psychology Research Conference
April, 2021: Doctoral students, Abby Chin, Emma McBride, and Hana Lee all presented their current research at Rowan’s 47th Annual Psychology Research Conference, held virtually this year due to COVID. Mindfulness Lab newcomer, Kora Clauser, also presented her first-ever conference poster on mindfulness research in LGBTQ+ communities.
Integrative Medicine & Health Symposium
April, 2021: Dr. Greeson presented a poster on the Mindfulness and Healthy Aging (MaHA) study at the virtual Integrative Medicine & Health Symposium, sponsored by the Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine & Health. The poster, developed by first-author and project coordinator, Emma McBride, presented main findings on feasibility, acceptability, and initial effectiveness of a 6-week mindfulness group adapted for people with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and their caregivers. The mixed-methods pilot project was funded by a grant from the New Jersey Health Foundation (NJHF), and was conducted in partnership with the New Jersey Institute for Successful Aging (NJISA) at the Rowan School of Osteopathic Medicine (RowanSOM). Open-access to the full list of conference abstracts is published in Global Advances in Health and Medicine here.
Cooper Center for Humanism - New Partnership!
January, 2021: Dr. Greeson is excited to announce that he has a new affiliation with the Cooper Center for Humanism in Camden, NJ. Dr. Greeson now serves as Co-Director of Research, along with Director of Research, Dr. Britt Dahlberg. The Cooper Center for Humanism is led by Founder and Director, Dr. Ed Viner, and Associate Director, Dr. Larry Weisberg. As part of this new affiliation, the Mindfulness, Stress & Health Lab relocated from Glassboro’s main campus to the Cooper Medical School of Rowan University (CMSRU) building in Aug. 2021. This partnership helps bridge Psychology and Medicine at Rowan, and allows us to continue our interdisciplinary work investigating the role of mindfulness & compassion in healthcare!
Physician Compassion & Surgery Outcomes -- NEW GRANT!
September, 2020: We are delighted to learn that funding for Rowan University's Camden Health Research Initiative has been unfrozen, so we're excited to work with Drs. Lou Mitrev, Steve Trzeciak and others at Cooper University Hospital to conduct a new study on physician compassion and surgery outcomes. Specifically, this project brings together a multidisciplinary team spanning medicine, surgery, psychology, and biostatistics to test whether patients' ratings of anesthesiologist compassion during the pre-surgery consultation are associated with peri-operative anxiety levels and/or post-surgical pain or opioid use. We hope findings from this study will further inform the link between physician compassion and patient health outcomes, and could reinforce the notion of "Mindful Practice" and "Attending" in healthcare. By way of background, check out Dr. Trzeciak's TED Talk on healthcare's compassion crisis, and the science of Compassionomics!
Back to School... Join Mindfulness Journal Club!
September, 2020: Now that we’re “Back to School”, Mindfulness Journal Club is resuming. Led by 3rd-year PhD student, Emma McBride, journal club is a forum to learn about the science & practice of mindfulness. Journal club involves reading one key journal article per week, and discussing it as a group. It is ideal for students who seek to learn more about the scientific evidence for mindfulness, including how mindfulness-based interventions are being integrated into psychology, medicine, and health care. Spots are limited to 4 new undergraduate students, in addition to current students affiliated with the Mindfulness Lab. Please contact Dr. Greeson ( if you are interested in participating or learning more! Begins 9/24, meets online Thursdays 4-5pm.
Daulerious Podcast: Be Mindful!
August, 2020: Dr. Greeson joined host and former Swarthmore basketball teammate Kirk Daulerio for a rollicking discussion on how to "be mindful" in the world of COVID and other stresses in life.
Mindfulness app -- NEW PAPER published in Contemporary Clinical Trials
August, 2020: Our multisite team, led by Dr. Chris Cox at Duke University Medical Center, just published a new paper that describes the design, rationale, and study elements of our ongoing Multiphase Optimization Strategy (MOST) trial for a new mindfulness app to help ICU survivors relieve psychological distress. Funded by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH).
Mindfulness Lab End-of-Year Celebration
July, 2020: Dr. Greeson and his wife Dr. Johanna Greeson welcomed Mindfulness Lab students and significant others to East Falls, Philadelphia, for an end-of-year picnic celebration...socially distanced (besides this quick pic) and masked, of course! Special congratulations to our graduating seniors, Amanda Colangelo and Victoria (Tori) Kloster! We will miss you, and we're excited for your new career paths.
Megan Brown - NEW PAPER published in Journal of Health Psychology
June, 2020: We’re excited to share that Megan Brown -- a Rowan alum (Class of ‘18) and incoming Rowan Clinical Psychology PhD student -- published this first-author paper in the Journal of Health Psychology! Using archival data from Dr. Greeson’s NIH K99/R00 “Pathway to Independence (PI)” award, Megan, along with her CHASE Lab mentor Dr. Dani Arigo, and Dr. Greeson, collaborated as a team to choose a research question, select the variables, run and interpret the analyses, and write up the manuscript for publication. Megan reflected on the process, and what the findings mean for the field, in a great blog post (6/18/20) that also includes a cool infographic! Thanks, too, for ongoing support from longtime mentors and collaborators, Drs. Ruth Wolever (Vanderbilt), Moria Smoski (Duke), Tica Hall (Pitt), and Jeff Brantley (Duke).
Hypertension Fact Sheet
June, 2020: Nearly HALF of adults in the U.S. have high blood pressure, although only 1 in 4 people with hypertension have their condition under control. Dr. Greeson collaborated with colleagues from the Behavioral Medicine/Integrated Primary Care Special Interest Group (SIG) of ABCT to draft an updated Hypertension Fact Sheet. The fact sheet, written for the general public, focuses on the key role behavior change – including mindfulness – can play in managing and preventing high blood pressure. Team included Dr. Jeff Goodie and doctoral students Satya Satyanarayana and Kevin Wilfong.
CONGRATULATIONS to the Class of 2020!
May, 2020: BIG CONGRATS to all our graduating seniors!!! What a year it’s been...go out and do GOOD! #RowanRising
Coping with COVID -- Top 10 TIPS!
April, 2020: Dr. Greeson shares his Top 10 tips for coping with COVID-19 on Rowan Today here.
Emma McBride, M.A. -- Successful Master's Thesis Defense!
April, 2020: CONGRATULATIONS to Rowan Clinical Psychology doctoral student, Emma McBride, for successfully defending her Master’s thesis...virtually!!! Way to go, Emma, strong work examining equanimity in the context of mindfulness training and regulating stress! Many thanks to committee members Dani Arigo and Dustin Fife for their intellectual rigor, support, and co-mentorship, as well!
December, 2019: The Mindfulness Lab celebrated the end of the Fall 2019 semester with some fine dining at our favorite Downtown Glassboro establishment...Thai Thai! :) #mindfuleating #savoreachbite #mindfulmoments #happyholidays
Mindfulness and Healthy Aging for Older Adults with MCI
December, 2019: Dr. Greeson, Rowan Clinical Psychology doctoral student Emma McBride, and Rowan School of Osteopathic Medicine (RowanSOM) student Andrea Radossi, finished teaching the second 6-week course “Mindfulness for Healthy Aging” (MaHA) at the New Jersey Institute for Successful Aging (NJISA) in Stratford, NJ. This project, funded by a research grant from the New Jersey Health Foundation, investigates the feasibility, acceptability, and potential effectiveness of a group-based mindfulness training program for older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and their spouses/partners/caregivers. The study team, including Sean McBride, MD, PhD, Lisa Bodenheimer, LCSW, and Nicole Sestito, PhD, brings together psychology, medicine, and social work expertise to help these patients and their caregivers manage stress and anxiety, cope with changes in cognitive functioning, maximize quality of life, and live mindfully in the moment, no matter what the future may bring.
ABCT 2019
November, 2019: Dr. Greeson and Rowan graduate students Emma McBride and Hana Lee attended the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA. Dr. Greeson presented his collaborative work on the LIFT app as part of a symposium on tech-delivered mindfulness & acceptance interventions. Dr. Greeson, Emma and Hana all presented recent work at the opening night Special Interest Group (SIG) poster expo, featuring data from the RU Mindful study at Rowan, an online survey involving over 500 undergraduate students. Posters were accepted for both the Behavioral Medicine and Integrative Primary Care SIG and the Mindfulness and Acceptance SIG. In between attending scientific sessions and networking, we also ventured out in downtown Atlanta -- where Dr. Greeson was born! -- to see historic sights and partake in some mindful eating.
Terror Behind the Walls -- Eastern State Penitentiary
October, 2019: Together, the Mindfulness Lab braved #TBTW at Eastern State Penitentiary! BOO!
Mindfulness and Physical Disease -- NEW PAPER published in Special Issue
August, 2019: Dr. Greeson and second-year doctoral student Gabrielle (Abby) Chin published an invited review paper on mindfulness and physical disease in a Special Issue of the journal Current Opinion in Psychology. See link to paper and link to the Special Issue on Mindfulness here. Many thanks to Drs. David Vago, Amit Bernstein, and Thorsten Barnhofer for organizing and editing this landmark Special Issue. Highly recommended reading for everyone who is new and well-established in the field!
Mindfulomics 2.0 -- TIIH Scholars Meeting in Baltimore
August, 2019: Dr. Greeson gave an invited presentation to the Scholars, Fellows, and staff of The Institute for Integrative Health (TIIH) in Baltimore. The talk, which reviewed new findings from Dr. Greeson’s fellowship project, was titled “Mindfulomics: Mindfulness Practice, Gene Expression, and Inflammation.” In addition to other excellent presentations on the Feldenkrais Method by Dr. Diane Hannemann, Forest Bathing by Dr. Sara Warber, climate change and health by Dr. Heidi Gullett, and Neuroaesthetics by Dr. Susan Magsamen, we also experienced a guided, 3-hr forest bathing experience with Forest Therapy Guide, Clare Kelley in a local arboretum. Ahhh…..embodying integrative health!
COURI Summer Research Symposium 2019
July, 2019: As covered in a feature story for Rowan Today, the Mindfulness Lab attended the COURI symposium with other labs from the College of Science & Math (CSM) to present posters on their summer research projects. Amanda Colangelo and Stephanie May made us #RowanPROUD, earning Honorable Mention for best poster (Top 3 out of 60+ entries) and the only Psychology poster!
Rowan Today: All About Research
July, 2019: The Mindfulness Lab was one of several faculty research labs featured in a story on Rowan Today about the value of summer undergraduate research experience. Read the story here.
Insight Meditation Society: Silent Retreat
June, 2019: Dr. Greeson spent 6-days in contemplative silence, practicing mindfulness with a community of meditators at Insight Meditation Society (IMS) in Barre, MA. The theme for the retreat was “Finding a True Refuge.” Although it was a *major* challenge to be without a smartphone, computer, books, journal, or voice for nearly a week, the challenge *was* helpful in elucidating the “default” ways of thinking, judging, and analyzing that often feed into stress, frustration, and time urgency. Extended silence also opened up new levels of awareness, insight, and appreciation for nature, food, and connection with others!
Gabrielle Chin, M.A. -- Successful Master’s Thesis Defense!
June, 2019: Doctoral student Gabrielle (Abby) Chin defended her Master’s Thesis, titled "Mindfulness and Cardiovascular Health across Demographics: Analyses from the Serenity Study." Results showed that some trait mindfulness facets relate differently to BP across race and gender, that MBSR training may not be effective at lowering BP in demographics outside of people who are White, that improvement in trait mindfulness may not drive change in BP after MBSR training, and that mindfulness research would benefit from improved sample diversity to explore potential demographic differences in the relationship between mindfulness and health, rather than assuming beneficial effects generalize across populations.
Addressing Diversity in Mindfulness Research -- NEW PAPER published
May, 2019: BIG CONGRATS to doctoral student Gabrielle (Abby) Chin, who published her 1st first-author paper in the newly launched Cooper Rowan Medical Journal. Article is *free* at link above, thanks to CRMJ open-access policy. Mindfulness Lab alum Vanessa Anyanso was co-first author and Dr. Greeson was senior author on this article. Thanks to former Dept. Head and Director of Clinical Training (DCT), Georita Frierson, PhD, for inspiring this work!
Yoga Research Society: Medical Yoga Conference
May, 2019: Dr. Greeson, Abby Chin, and Upasna Singh attended the annual Medical Yoga conference, sponsored by the Yoga Research Society (YRS) and the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health at Jefferson. Led and organized by longtime friends and colleagues, Dr. Vijayendra Pratap, Marc Goldberg, and Barbara Levitt, we enjoyed a yoga practice in the morning, followed by a keynote address on the role of herbs in Western medicine by Dr. Sara Jane Ward, whom Dr. Greeson had the honor of introducing.
Health Coaching for Chronic Disease -- NEW PAPER published in WORK
May, 2019: Led by longtime colleague, nutritionist, and integrative health coach, Dr. Joel Edman, we published a new paper in the journal WORK. This pilot study on a health coaching program designed for healthcare system employees with chronic disease found that participants who took the health coaching program reported significant weight loss, along with reduced stress and other healthy lifestyle changes. Link to full paper here.
Emma McBride First Year Project
April, 2019: At the conclusion of her first year in Rowan’s Clinical Psychology PhD program, graduate student Emma McBride presented her first year project to faculty and peers. Titled “Uncoupling Emotional and Heart Rate Reactivity: Implications for Mindfulness-Based Interventions”, the project focused on the degree of concordance between negative affect reactivity and heart rate reactivity to a laboratory stressor and the extent to which concordance between the two is moderated by trait mindfulness and mindfulness training.
Watch Emma's first year project video here (25:13).
Jared Richards, Dean’s Outstanding Senior Award (DOSA)
April, 2019: Congratulations, Jared! On Monday, April 29, the Rowan University College of Science & Mathematics/School of Health Professions honored its 2019 Dean's Outstanding Senior Award (DOSA) winners. Each awardee was nominated by a faculty mentor and then selected by their department's faculty. See link above for short bios on all of the honorees as well as a video that includes the award recipients and their faculty mentors.
Rowan University’s 45th Annual Psychology Research Conference
April, 2019: The Rowan University Psychology Department's Annual Research Conference is an opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to present their research in a professional context, exercise professional skills, and network with peers and faculty mentors. The 45th annual conference and consisted of both oral presentations and poster sessions. The MSH Lab had students participating in both types of presentations. Senior Jared Richards gave an oral presentation titled, “Do Social Support or Decentering Moderate the Relationship Between Mindfulness and Psychological Distress?” Doctoral students Gabrielle Chin and Emma McBride presented a poster titled, “RU Mindful: Trait mindfulness and better mind-body health in Rowan students - An interim analysis”. And undergraduate students Amanda Colangelo and Victoria Kloster also presented a poster titled, “RU Mindful: Are religious students more mindful, with greater psychological well-being?”
West Chester University, Center for Contemplative Studies
April, 2019: Dr. Greeson gave an invited presentation to the WCU Center for Contemplative Studies titled “Are You Mindful? The Science Linking Mindfulness, Stress & Health.” In addition to catching up with long-time friend, colleague, and mindfulness teacher extraordinaire, Don McCown, Dr. Greeson also met WCU undergraduate Upasna Singh, who soon thereafter joined the MSH Lab as a student researcher! :)
American Psychosomatic Society (APS) Conference: Vancouver!
March, 2019: The American Psychosomatic Society (APS) is an academic society focusing on advancing and integrating the scientific study of biological, psychological, behavioral and social factors in health and disease. At their 2019 conference in Vancouver, Dr. Jeff Greeson and second-year doctoral student Gabrielle Chin presented as part of a symposium titled “Mindfulness and Cardiovascular Health: Outcomes, Mechanisms, and Individual Differences”. This symposium, with colleagues Eric Loucks, PhD, Sue Everson-Rose, PhD, and Maria Llabre, PhD, focused on mindfulness as an innovative approach to cardiovascular health, including preventing and treating high blood pressure and heart disease. Rowan senior Honors student, Jared Richards, presented a poster titled “Do participant characteristics predict BP outcomes following mindfulness training?” Emma McBride, a first-year Rowan Clinical Psychology PhD student, also presented a poster titled “Uncoupling physiological and emotional responses to stress with mindfulness: Relevance to psychosomatic medicine.” Dr. Greeson was excited to see his tweets on the "Big Board", while Emma networked with fellow Canadian, Dr. Linda Carlson, and the students explored pristine Stanley Park!
ABCT 2018
November, 2018: Dr. Greeson, Rowan graduate students Abby Chin and Emma McBride, and UPenn research coordinator Vanessa Anyanso attended the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. Abby presented work on the moderating effect of race on the relationship between trait mindfulness and blood pressure and Emma presented work on the association between emotional and physiological reactivity before and after mindfulness training. Both posters were presented with the Behavioral Medicine and Integrated Primary Care Special Interest Group (SIG). Emma’s poster, titled “Mindfulness Training Uncouples Physiological and Emotional Responses to Stress: Implications for Psychopathology and Physical Illness?”, won the “Excellence in Student Research” award for the SIG. Vanessa’s poster on the relationship between sleep quality and mindfulness training outcomes, was presented as part of the Mindfulness and Acceptance SIG.
Medical Education Grand Rounds: "Mindfulness in Medicine"
November, 2018: Dr. Greeson presented a Grand Rounds lecture at Cooper Medical School of Rowan University (CMSRU) in Camden, titled “Mindfulness in Medicine: Science & Practice” Watch video here, in which Dr. Greeson discusses the rationale and scientific evidence for mindfulness training in medical patients and medical providers alike.
A big LIFT! NEW PAPER published & NEW GRANT awarded from NIH.
September, 2018: A new multisite clinical trial called LIFT, led by Dr. Chris Cox at Duke University Medical Center, was funded by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH). This project, on which Dr. Greeson is a Co-Investigator, aims to optimize user experience, dose, and effectiveness of a smartphone application to deliver mobile mindfulness training to critical care patients after they’re discharged from the ICU, to aid coping, resilience, and recovery. The long-term goal, should the mindfulness app be effective, is to make the app widely available to other patients after they leave the hospital. A paper describing the NIH/NCCIH-funded pilot randomized clinical trial (RCT) was recently published in the high-impact journal Thorax.
Integrative Medicine Grand Rounds Lecture: 20-Years of Mindfulness Research
April, 2018: Dr. Greeson gave an invited Integrative Medicine Grand Rounds lecture at Sidney Kimmel Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University, titled “20 Years of Mindfulness Research: From Self-Report Surveys to Cell Signaling Pathways.” Watch video here, to learn about Dr. Greeson’s 20-years of research in the mindfulness field, beginning at Jefferson!
Harvesting Happiness Podcast: Mindful Solutions to Chronic Pain
November, 2016: Dr. Greeson joined host Lisa Cypers Kamen to discuss the science of mindfulness and how it relates to managing chronic pain. Download and listen here. (NOTE: Dr. Greeson's interview begins at 31:00. Highly recommend Dr. Danny Penman's opening segment, too!)
Internet Stories
Just Breathe: A Beginner's Guide to Meditative Breathing
August 2022 (HealthCentral)
Tame Your Appetite
September 2022 (Men's Health)
Ready for a Reset
March 2022 (SJ Magazine)
Meditation: What You Need to Know
November, 2014 (
RedEye's Guide to Surviving the Holidays
December 11, 2014 (
How to Sleep Your Way to Better Health
March 11, 2013 (Duke Today)
Dealing with Depression and Lonliness
April, 2012 (
Take Five: Tips to Controlling Cholesterol
September 13, 2011 (Duke Today)
Meditation Techniques for Free
May, 2011 (LIVESTRONG, Lance Armstrong Foundation)
Manage Stress with Mindful Breathing
January, 2011 (IDEA Health & Fitness, Inc.)
Give Yourself the Gift of a Healthier Holiday
December 2010 (WRAL News)
Better Sleep: Calming the Mind Before Bed
September, 2009 (360-5 Cleveland Clinic Wellness)
Stress Reduction Technique Aids Sleep
June, 2009 (Psych Central)
Print Stories
Election Anxiety is Real and Rising for Philadelphians
November 1, 2020
Wise Up! 7 Ways to Keep Your Brain in Shape for a Lifetime
August, 2011 (Yoga Journal)
Change Your Mind and Your Body Will Follow
January, February, 2011 (Arthritis Today)
The Heart of Healing: Prepare for Surgery with Mind-Body Techniques that may Help You Recover Faster
October, 2010 (Yoga Journal)
Try Meditation to Lower Your Blood Pressure and Protect Your Heart
November, 2009 (U.S. News & World Report)
Savor Each Bite: ‘Mindful eating’ means slowing down, ponder your food
May 27, 2008 (Winston-Salem Journal)
Putting an End to Mindless Munching
May 13, 2008 (The Wall Street Journal)
Outsmart Your Stomach: Seven Ways to Fill Your Gut — and Lose It, Too
October, 2008 (Men’s Health Magazine)
Natural Cures: Can Alternative Remedies Offer Runners a Better Route to Pain Relief?
May, 2008 (Runner’s World Magazine)
St. John’s Wort Study is Criticized for Flaws
April 27, 2001 (The Wall Street Journal)