Curricular Practical Training

Curricular Practical Training


Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is training that relates directly to the student’s major area of study and is an integral part of the school’s established curriculum.  It is sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security.

The CS department is pleased to offer our students CPT experiences.  Students can enroll in a 1 credit course offered in the summer.

  • CS 01295 Special Topics: Curriculum Practical Training  (for undergraduate students)
  • CS 07695 Special Topics: Curriculum Practical Training  (for graduate students)

An international student may have multiple CPT experiences, but the following rules apply:

  • A student cannot take a CPT course as their sole course if the summer is their final semester. They must register for at least one additional, in-person course besides the CPT course.
  • Students must also submit a Reduced Course Load (RCL) request through Terra Dotta unless they are taking 12 credits in the summer as an undergraduate student or 9 credits in the summer as a graduate student.  
  • A student cannot equal or exceed 12 months of full-time CPT by the end of their academic program or they will lose their eligibility for OPT altogether. 

Students interested in CPT should speak to the International Center and their CS Advisor as early as possible.