Dustin Fife, Ph.D.

Dustin Fife, Ph.D.

Dustin Fife, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

Dustin Fife, Ph.D.

Contact Info
Robinson Hall 116K


BS (Psychology), Brigham Young University, Provo
PhD (Quantitative Psychology), University of Oklahoma
Biostatistician, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation

Research Expertise:
Data Visualization | Statistical Cognition | Exploratory Data Analysis

Psychology has recently become aware of a "replication crisis," where established findings fail to replicate. Many believe this is because the standard approach to doing statistical analysis is inherently misleading. My research aims to identify different approaches to teaching and using statistics. Specifically, I believe that the human pattern recognition system is well-suited to addressing these concerns, and I develop and test both software and teaching approaches that heavily utilize visualizations.

Honors and Awards:
College of Science and Mathematics Seed Grant
Chuck Gettys Award for Outstanding Research in Graduate School, Department of Psychology at
the University of Oklahoma, 2013 Best Paper Award, The Consortium for Student Retention Data Exchange (CSRDE), 2011

Member of:
Academic Educational Research Association

Recent Publications:

Fife, D.A., (in press). The Eight Steps of Data Analysis: A Graphical Framework to Promote Sound Statistical Analysis. Perspectives on Psychological Science. doi: 10.31234/osf.io/r8g7c

Fife, D.A., Mendoza, J.L., Day, E., Terry, R. (2018). Estimating Subgroup Differ- ences on the Predictor and Criterion When the Selection Mechanism is Unknown: A Response to Li’s Case IV Correction. Organizational Research Methods. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/1094428118799492

Fife, D.A., Mendoza, J.L., & Berry, C.M. (2017). Estimating Incremental Validity Under Missing Data. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 52(2), 164-177. doi: 10.1080/00273171.2016.1259099

Fife, D.A. (2019). flexplot: Graphically Based Data Analysis. [Computer Software]. Available from http://www.github.com/dustinfife/flexplot.

Fife, D.A. (2019). fifer: A collection of functions that assist in data manipulation, analysis, and plotting. [Computer Software]. Available from github.com/dustinfife/fifer.