Careers In Mathematics

Careers In Mathematics

 Careers In Mathematics


What can I do with a Math Degree? (General Help)

I love Math. What type of job can I get with a Math degree?

Applied Math

I loved concepts from: Numerical Analysis, Differential Equations, Math for Engineering Analysis!  What type of job can I get with a Math degree?


Pure Math

I loved concepts from Modern Algebra, Real Analysis and Complex Analysis!  What type of job can I get with a Math degree?

Statistics/Data Science

I love Statistics! What type of job can I get wtih a Math degree and statistics minor?


What Can I do with a Statistics minor and/or Data Science Degree?



I love Math Modeling and tutoring others in Math, what type of teaching position can I apply for?

Thinking of Graduate School?

Thinking of Graduate School?  

AMS Grad school guide


With a graduate degree, you will develop deeper mastery which will enable you to qualify for a variety of career paths. If you love mathematics, graduate school is also a chance to learn more and equally will give you more options in your future career.  Review the options below including information provided on ways to pay for graduate school.


Thinking of a Master’s degree:

Perhaps you want to add to your current undergraduate Math degree and increase your marketability.  Maybe you've found a favorite subject that you want to investigate more deeply. No matter the reason, there are plenty of options within master’s degree programs depending on your interest and goals.  At some of the programs, you could even qualify for grants, assistantships and/or scholarships which will help pay for the program costs. Further education is always an important investment which can have a big return. According to the Census Bureau, a master’s degree is worth almost $500,000 more over a working lifetime than a bachelor's alone.

Thinking of a PhD Degree:

A PhD in mathematics could be result in a career teaching at a university, but there are more options beyond that career path, some options are: operations researcher, statistician, cryptanalyst, and more are available.  Doctoral students often quality for a Teaching Assistantship or Research Assistantship which either would be a way to help pay for the program.

Not sure?  Think about a Pre-Doctoral position:

Pre-doctoral opportunities (pre-docs) are full-time jobs supporting faculty research that typically last two years.  They are a great option for people who are considering a PhD but aren't completely sure they're ready, or that a PhD is what they want.

More insight can be found here


Useful Links providing general information on How to Pay for Graduate School:


Sallie Mae

Ways to pay for Graduate School


Scholarship/Grant/Fellowship options:

Scholarships for women

Statistics students

American Mathematical Society Fellowships

Math Union scholarships

Stem Fellowships

NSF Government opportunities

Citizens and scholarships

Sallie Mae student loans and scholarships

American Economic Association resources