Abdul Hassen, Ph.D.
Abdul Hassen, Ph.D.
Abdul Hassen, Ph.D.
Professor/Student Affairs Coordinator
Contact Info
Lab Website
Research with Rowan
Ph.D., Mathematics, Temple University
M.S., Mathematics, Addis Ababa University
B.S., Mathematics, Addis Ababa University
Research Expertise:
Analytic and Elementary Number Theory | Generalized Bernoulli | Euler Numbers | Polynomials
My research interests are in the area of Analytic and Analytic Number Theory. I am interested in the characterization of Automorphic integral associated with Hekce groups.
Currently, I am working on the determination of those automorphic integrals with prescribed poles of any order and any number of poles. I also am working on problems related to generalized Euler numbers and polynomials. Related to these polynomials are the Hypergeometric Bernoulli polynomials, which generalize the classical Bernoulli numbers via their generating function. These new polynomials have many similar properties as the classical ones as well as some properties unique to them. For example, their complex zeros seem to converge to a curve in the complex plane but the exact curves are not known
I also work with graduate and undergraduate students on research projects from Euler’s papers as well as partition functions.
Selected Publications:
Hassen A, Roibal A. (2016) Triangles on the Lattice of Integers, Mathematics and Computer Education Journal, In press.
Geleta HL, Hassen A. (2016) Fractional Hypergeometric Zeta Functions. Ramanujan J. 41: 421-436.
Geleta HL, Hassen A, Mohammed, S. (2015) Series Representation of the Second Order Hypergeometric Zeta Function, Journal for Algebra and Number Theory Academia, in press.
Spring 2025 - Class Schedule
21386 - MATH - 01231-1 ORDINARY DIFFER EQUAT TR 1230-1345 Robinson 324
21404 - MATH - 01386-1 INTRO PARTL DIFFTL EQTNS TR 1400-1515 Robinson 310