Christopher Lacke, Ph.D.
Christopher Lacke, Ph.D.
Christopher Lacke, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
BA (Mathematics and Economics), Bowdoin College
MS (Statistics), University of Southern Maine
PhD (Operations Research), North Carolina State University
Research Expertise:
Medical Decision Making | Statistics in Medicine & Health | Statistical Education
My primary research involves the applications of decision analysis, operations research, and applied statistics, primarily in medicine, health, and exercise science. I am currently involved in projects with members of the Rowan School of Osteopathic Medicine (SOM), the Rowan University Department of Health & Exercise Science, and students at SOM.
Member of:
Institute of Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
Recent Publications:
Cleary, DB, Riddell, WT, Lacke, CJ (2012) Effect of washer placement on performance of direct tension indicators with curved protrusions, ENG J AISC 49:55-64.
Mastrangelo, MA, Chaloupka, EC, Kang, J, Lacke, CJ, Angelucci, J, Martz, WP, Biren, GB (2004) Predicting anaerobic capabilities in 11-13 year old boys. J Strength Cond Res. 18:72-76.
Spring 2025 Class Schedule
21580 - MATH - 03412-1 STOCHASTIC MODS OPER RESRCH MW 1700-1815 James 3117
21891 - MATH - 03512-1 OPERATIONS RESEARCH II MW 1700-1815 James 3117
21648 - STAT - 02284-1 STAT FOR THE BIOMED SCIENCES MW 1400-1515 Science 128
21655 - STAT - 02284-2 STAT FOR THE BIOMED SCIENCES TR 0930-1045 Science 128
21676 - STAT - 02331-1 APPLIED STAT ANALYSIS HEALTHCA TR 1230-1345 Science 254
Spring 2025 Office Hours
M 10:30am-11:30am, T 7:00pm-8:00pm (via Zoom), W 3:30pm-4:30pm, R 2:45pm-3:45pm
Or you can always call, e-mail, or knock on my door and make an appointment at