Career Tracks

Career Tracks

Physics & Astronomy


Career Tracks for the Physical Science and Physics B.A. Majors

The primary career track for students majoring in Physical Science is secondary school teaching in one of chemistry, physics, or general (physical) science. The Physics B.A. program is designed so that students can qualify to teach physics or general (physical) science. The majors are specifically designed so that, by following the default program, students can qualify for a New Jersey state Certificate of Eligibility and enter the field through the alternate route. If combined with a second major in Education, students qualify for the Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing. See the New Jersey Department of Education for more information.

With the Physical Science degree, certification can be in Physical Science with either specialization or in just Chemistry or just Physics (with the appropriate specialization). With the Physics degree, certification would be in just Physics (but with the addition of just two more chemistry classes, a student can get Physical Science certification). However, there are also many other possibilities for the student earning the Physical Science or Physics B.A. degree. The programs give good, broad-based education in chemistry, physics, earth, and space sciences. This general background can be useful in careers such as marketing, technical writing, health care technician, or environmental science.

Below are suggestions on courses of study, or minors, to consider combining with the degrees to help focus your overall program of study toward a particular goal. Up to 8 sh of course work from any of these programs will count for credit in the Physical Science or Physics B.A. program under the "approved Career Track course" slots and the approved courses are noted under the descriptions. The other required courses will be used to fill in the Non-Program Course and/or the Free Elective requirements.

Secondary Education
Complete the Physical Science degree and either enter the NJ Alternate Route to certification and licensure or gain certification by completing the Master of Science in Teaching degree program. The former will place you on-the-job provisionally with additional mentoring and require 200 hours of formal instruction; the latter can be completed in a summer-fall-spring-summer academic year.


Double major with Education: K-12 Subject Matter; the combined program can be completed in 139-142 sh (8-9 full-time semesters).

  • Teaching & Learning A w/ Practicum (SMED 34.330/SECD 03.330)
  • Teaching & Learning B w/ Practicum (SMED 34.331/SECD 03.332)
  • If going alternate route or MST: any courses in the physical sciences (PHYS, ASTR, GEOG, CHEM, ENST 94.101, GEOG 06.103/4, GEOG 06.110, GEOG 06.305)

Environmental Science Track
Earn an Environmental Studies concentration with about 18-24 sh of coursework. Depending in the track chosen, some of these courses are already required by the Physical Science degree.

  • Any courses used to fulfill the concentration offered through Biology

Marketing/Technical Representative Track
One way to do this is to earn a second major in one of the departments within the Rohrer College of Business, although these are very full programs. Another option is to earn a minor in Business.

  • Introduction to Economics-Macroeconomic Perspective (ECON 04.101)
  • Introduction to Economics-Microeconomic Perspective (ECON 04.102)
  • Statistics I (STAT 02.260)

Pre-Med Track
Earn a Health Professions concentration with 10-11 sh additional coursework. If you choose this track, be sure to check out the application information provided by the Health Professions Committee!

  • Any courses required by the Pre-Medical concentration or the BS in Nursing offered through Biology

Students from varied backgrounds apply to Law school. If you are interested, you can speak with the Pre-Law advisor, Dr. Michael Weiss (Law & Justice department). You can also get involved with the Pre-Law Society, which welcomes students from all majors.

  • Any courses required by the Minor in Law & Justice Studies or the Minor in Political Science (both have pre-law tracks)

Technical Writing Track
Minor in Journalism for 18 sh offered by the College of Communication

  • Any courses required by the Minor in Journalism