David Klassen, Ph.D.
David Klassen, Ph.D.
David Klassen, Ph.D.
Full Professor, Astronomy Coordinator

Contact Info
Websites: Website
Research with Rowan
Post-Doctoral Associate, Cornell University
Ph.D., Physics, University of Wyoming
B.S., Astrophysics, University of Minnesota
B.Math, Mathematics, University of Minnesota
Research Expertise:
Planetary Science | Infrared Observational Astronomy | Computational Physics
My primary area of research interest is understanding how clouds affect the water cycle and climate of Mars. On the observational side I use ground-based (NASA-IRTF) and spacecraft (MRO-CRISM) near-infrared spectral images to track and measure the ice abundance in clouds over diurnal, seasonal, and interannual timescales. More recently, I have begun working on the climate modeling side of the problem—working out a way to convert General Circulation Model outputs into synthetic spectra that can be more directly compared to spacecraft data. My work is done in collaboration with scientists at the Space Science Institute, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, and NASA Ames Research Center. My work has been funded by both NASA and the NSF. Over the years I have had the pleasure of training a multitude of Rowan undergraduates in astronomical image processing and analysis.
Teaching Narrative:
My early focus was on teaching introductory physics at both algebra-based and calculus-based levels, covering class lectures and labs and then moved on to teaching a whirlwind tour of post-multidimensional-calculus mathematical techniques for sophomores to prepare them for the rigor of upper-level physics courses. This included a formal introduction to computational solutions to first and second order differential equations. I also teach the gamut of our astronomy and astrophysics classes from introductory level to advanced stellar astrophysics and planetary science.
Honors and Awards:
Joseph A. Barnes Award for Outstanding Service Award, 2013
Professional Memberships:
American Astronomical Society - Division for Planetary Sciences
American Geophysical Union
American Association of Physics Teachers
New Jersey AAPT
Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Planetary Society
Selected Publications:
Klassen, D.R., West, B.D., 2023. Martian cloud map retrievals for 2006-2008 from MRO CRISM multi- spectral data. Icarus 402, 115614. URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/ S0019103523001914, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2023.115614.
Klassen, DR, Kahre, MA, Wolff, MJ, Haberle, RM, Hollingsworth, JL (2017) Modeling MARCI and TES Aphelion Cloud Belt Optical Depth Peak Differences with the Ames MGCM, In The Mars Atmosphere: Modeling and Observation, January 17–20 2017, Granada, Spain. Forget F, Millour M, ed. pp. 3212.
Klassen DR (2016) Principal components analysis of Martian NIR image cubes to retrieve surface spectral endmembers. PASP 128:074501.