Michael Lim, Ph.D.

Michael Lim, Ph.D.

Michael Lim, Ph.D.
Department Chair, Professor

Michael Lim, Ph.D.
Department of Physics & Astronomy

Contact Info
(856) 256-4365
Science Hall, Room 101C


Research with Rowan


Post-Doctoral Associate, Bryn Mawr College
Post-Doctoral Associate, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Ph.D., Physics, University of Michigan
A.B., Physics, Harvard College

Research Expertise:
Nonlinear Atomic Spectroscopy | Quantum Sensing | Laser Cooling of Atoms

My students and I study nonlinear laser spectroscopy of highly excited atomic energy levels, known as Rydberg states. We have recently developed new spectroscopic techniques to target Rydberg states that are especially sensitive to electric field. This opens the possibility for sensitive quantum detection of ultra-low frequency E-fields, which are challenging to detect using conventional dipole antennas. We are also studying the properties of atomic vapor cells used for this type of spectroscopy, with the goal of optimizing the sensitivity at ultra-low frequencies.

Honors and Awards:
Research Implementation Award, 2016

Professional Memberships:
American Physical Society

Selected Publications:
“Kilohertz-range electric field calibration in an alkali vapor cell using time-averaged Stark shifts,” M.J. Lim, M. Cervantes, C. Brady, S. McPoyle, and J. Simmermon, Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, 051106 (2023).

“Modulation Transfer Spectroscopy of a four-level ladder system in atomic rubidium,” Michael J. Lim, Shawn McPoyle, Marc Cervantes, Opt. Comm. 522, 128651 (2022).

“Density dependence of the ionization avalanche in ultracold Rydberg gases,” M. Siercke, F. E. Oon, A. Mohan, Z. W. Wang, M. J. Lim, and R. Dumke, Phys. Rev. A 89, 022701 (2014).

“Temperature-insensitive Laser Frequency Stabilization with Magnetic Tuning,” L.J. Willis and M.J. Lim, App. Opt. 43, 2312 (2008).

“Angular dependence of the dipole-dipole interaction in a nearly one-dimensional sample of Rydberg atoms,” Thomas J. Carroll, Katharine Claringbould, Anne Goodsell, M. J. Lim, and Michael W. Noel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 153001 (2004).