Jim Haugh, Ph.D.
Jim Haugh, Ph.D.
Jim Haugh, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

Contact Info
Websites:Research with Rowan
Post-Doctoral Associate, University of Michigan
Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, St. Louis University
M.S., Clinical Psychology, St. Louis University
B.A., Psychology, Baldwin Wallace College
Research Expertise:
Depression | Mobile Apps | Clinical Training
My research areas focus on etiology and treatment of depression, anxiety, and co-morbid presentations of depression and anxiety. More specifically, recent investigations have included the utilization and effectiveness of guided bibliotherapy (self-help) to treat individuals with depressive and anxious symptoms, examining treatment preferences for depression and for individuals with cancer experiencing depressive symptoms, exploring stepped-care models of treating subclinical and clinical depression, acceptability and attitudes toward stepped care models, and the influence of state mindfulness and social problem-solving on depressive symptoms.
Honors and Awards:
Rowan University Teaching Wall of Fame, 2016
Professional Memberships:
American Psychological Association
Selected Publications:
Kirby KC, Benishek LA, Kerwin ME, Dugosh KL, Carpenedo CM, Bresani E, Haugh JA, Washio Y, Meyers RJ (2017) Analyzing Components of Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT): Is Treatment Entry Training Sufficient? Psychol Addict Behav. Epub ahead of print.
Haugh JA, Miceli M, DeLorme J (2016) Maladaptive parenting, temperament, early maladaptive schemas, and depression: A moderated mediation analysis. J Psychopathol Behav Assess, Epub ahead of print.
O’Brien McElwee R, Haugh JA (2009) Thinking clearly versus frequently about the future self: Exploring this distinction and its relation to possible selves. Self and Identity. 1:1-24.