Brian Pugliese, Ph.D.

Brian Pugliese, Ph.D.

Brian Pugliese, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Brian Pugliese, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology

Contact Info
(856) 256-4870
Robinson Hall, Room 115K


Ph.D., University of Idaho
M.A., Kean University
B.A., Kean University

Research Expertise:
Transportation Safety | Human Error | Human Factors | Injury Etiology | User Experience Research | Automation

In my primary work, I apply health, human factors, and HCI theories to understand and prevent injury in all wakes of life. I apply a mixture of basic perceptual and cognitive work with heavily applied simulation scenarios.

Professional Memberships:
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society

Selected Publications:
Pugliese, B. J., Barton, B. K. (2023). Slicing through the Layers of Pediatric Unintentional Injury with the Swiss Cheese Model: A Topical Review. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, jsad056.

Pugliese, B. J., Barton, B. K., & Lopez, G. (2023). Predicting Behavioral Intentions for Unsafe Off-Highway Vehicle Use. Journal of Safety Research, 84, 404-410.

Pugliese, B. J., Barton, B. K. (2022). Falling for Smartphones: A Smartphone-Centric Data Collection Tool for Measuring Distracted Walking. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 90, 15-21.

Barton, B. K. & Pugliese, B. J. (2022). BASE: Pragmatic injury prevention for practitioners. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 16(5), 599-607.