Research Conference

Research Conference

Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presentation

Oral presentations consist of presenting your work in a more formal setting using presentation software (Google Slides OR PowerPoint). Slides should be saved online and shared with Dr. Sledjeski either through google drive or one drive. Oral presentations are given a 15 minute timeslot. Your presentation should be 10-12 minutes long with 3-5 minutes for questions. 

Poster Presentation

A poster presentation is a visual representation of your research project. A poster can be created using one PowerPoint or Google Slides. There are no specific requirements with regard to how the poster should look, as long as it appears clearly. We are using vertical poster boards so the size should be 36 inches wide x 48 inches tall. Here is a template if you choose to use one. Save your poster as a powerpoint file or pdf and send to Matt Migeot ( for printing by the posted deadline.

During your scheduled poster session, you will be assigned a board where your poster can be displayed. Attendees will be able to view and ask questions about your poster. Your audience will include anyone who attends the conference such as other students, faculty, staff, administration, and parents. We do ask that you be available to attend and answer questions about your poster for the duration of your appointed poster session.