2023 DOSA Recipients
2023 DOSA Recipients
2023 Dean's Outstanding Senior Awards

John Boughton
Chemistry & Biochemistry
John Boughton is graduating with a B.S. in Chemistry and a minor in Mathematics. In his time as an undergraduate at Rowan, he has spent a significant amount of time working on research in Dr. Grinias’s lab. In this group, he has a publication on 2D-LC with another manuscript on SFC in progress. John has presented work on SFC at both the 2021 and 2022 Eastern Analytical Symposium conferences. He has also done exceptional in the classroom, making the President’s Scholars of Excellence list in each of his semesters at Rowan. Last year, John was presented with the 2022 ACS Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry. After graduation, John will be pursuing a M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences at Rowan in the fall.

Julia Bowes
Computer Science
Julia Bowes is a born leader in the CS Department and University. She is currently Vice President of Upsilon Pi Epsilon Honor Society and has volunteered every year as a CS Learning Assistant and Tutor. As an accomplished athlete, she has served as Captain of RU Women’s Volleyball, President of the Student-Athlete Advisory Council, and Campus Captain & President of the Hidden Opponent Chapter. In her role as Admissions Coordinator, she helps with efforts to recruit and support all University students. After graduation, Julia plans to stay connected with volleyball while starting her position as a Software Engineer at Amazon.

Candice Bui-Linh
Biological & Biomedical Sciences
Candice Bui-Linh, a first-generation Chinese-Vietnamese student, is an outstanding pre-med student majoring in Biological Sciences, with minors in Pre-Health, Chemistry, Psychology, and Neuroscience at Rowan University. Her academic achievements and passion for research have been evident throughout her undergraduate career, including her active role in Dr. Chun Wu's Computer-Aided Drug Design (C.A.D.D) lab and Dr. Xiaoyang Mou’s cancer-cell culture lab, where she contributed to several drug discovery and development projects, co-authored several manuscripts, and presented her research at multiple oral and poster presentations. Additionally, Candice is a founding member of the Bioinformatics Club, an active member of several other student professional clubs, and serves as a psychology learning assistant for Dr. Brittany Martinez. After graduation, Candice hopes to continue to medical school to pursue a career in oncology.

Liam Busch
Liam Busch is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with minors in Computer Science, Statistics and Operations Research, and French. Liam excels both inside and outside the classroom. He has helped his peers as a tutor in the Math Learning Center for the past four years. Liam is also President of the Rowan Math Team, which coordinates talks and activities. He has done extensive mathematical research with Drs. Hieu Nguyen and Abdul Hassen. He plans to pursue a Ph.D. and continue contributing to the mathematics community.

Norina Cobb
Norina Cobb is graduating with a B.A. in Psychology with a concentration in Behavioral Services for Children & their Families. Norina is passionate about working with neurodivergent youth and currently works as a home-based behavior therapist and is completing a fieldwork placement at a high school. Norina has been an active member of Dr. Christina Simmons’ SAFE Behavior Lab for the past 2.5 years. Her work has resulted in a manuscript in preparation, four internal poster presentations and will be presented as a poster at the Association for Behavior Analysis International Convention in Denver in May. As President of the ABA Club, Norina has doubled the number of active members. She is currently planning a Youth Event for Autism Acceptance Month in April to bring autistic children, their siblings, and peers to campus for a recreational event. She is a member of the Student Government Association, Psych Alliance, Psi Chi, Active Minds, and Flying First for first generation college students. Norina will be pursuing her Education Specialist degree in School Psychology.

Jaden Johnson
Biological & Biomedical Sciences
Jaden Johnson is a pre-medical Biological Sciences major with an honors concentration, also pursuing minors in Chemistry and Psychology. Since arriving at Rowan, Jaden has been active in multiple community service efforts on campus and in the wider community. She is a co-founder of the Defining Diversity Honors BiPOC group at the Bantivoglio Honors College, has served as a tutor for genetics, organic chemistry, and biochemistry courses, and she is a mentor and tutor to underrepresented STEM students through the PULSE and Cumberland Bridge to Rowan programs. She will matriculate to medical school and focus her career on psychiatry or become an obstetrician-gynecologist specializing in understudied endocrine disorders affecting females.

Christopher Lange
Computer Science
Christopher Lange is an exemplary citizen of the Computer Science Department. In addition to the Rowan Honors College, he is the current Treasurer for Upsilon Pi Epsilon Honor Society and has also served as a CS Learning Assistant, Research Assistant at Bristol Myers-Squibb, Rowan Academic Integrity Appeals Board student representative, and the CS Web Team Manager for three years. Chris also received the 2021 Lockheed Martin STEM Scholarship as well as the Rowan Silver and Bronze Leadership Certificates. After completing summer internships at Bristol Myers-Squibb and Amazon, he is excited to be joining Amazon as a Software Engineer after graduation.

Ayaz Mahmood
Physics & Astronomy
Ayaz Mahmood has served as president of Physics Club, one of the many hats he has worn as he has been an officer in a number of clubs including American Chemical Society, American Physician Scientists Association, and Photography Club. He has been a catalyst for increasing participation in the Physics Club while ensuring diversity and equity within it. Ayaz is a first generation college student and a member of Flying First. He has done optics research with Dr. Michael Lim and biophysics research with Dr. Nathaniel Nucci. He plans to take a gap year before applying to medical school.

Brook Matthews
Brook Matthews is an exceptional student and research assistant. She is in her senior year majoring in Psychological Sciences and has already been accepted into a Clinical Mental Health Counseling Master’s Program. She has excelled in her coursework and has been active both in research and extracurriculars. In the Prevention Science Lab, she has demonstrated remarkable critical thinking skills and work ethic, making major contributions to several lab projects. Brook’s passion for service is evident in her commitments at Rowan and beyond. She is a member of Psychology Alliance, the Rowan Environmental Action League (REAL), and PSI Chi, and served as the Tau Sigma National Honor Society Induction Chair. She has supported others’ mental health and wellbeing through her work with NAMI and Helping Hand Behavioral Health.

Dylan Moskovitz
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Dylan Moskovitz is graduating with a B.S. in Biochemistry and has been involved in research with the Moura-Letts laboratory since his sophomore year. In the classroom, he has performed at the highest level throughout his time at RU. His exceptional academic proficiency triggered his interest in exploring research in organic chemistry. His passion for research in combination with his innate ability to troubleshoot and think outside-the-box has been outstanding and has produced presentations at local and national scientific conferences and two manuscripts for publication. Dylan plans to go to medical school and continue to do research as he practices medicine. Dylan’s accolades do not end there; he has been a part of the Honors College, a BLAST mentor since 2022, the president of the Pre-Health Society at RU since 2022, and a leader at the Problem-Based Learning Honors Organization since 2021 among other leadership roles.

Alexandra (Ally) Reagle
Biological & Biomedical Sciences
Alexandra (Ally) Reagle is a Biological Sciences major and Environmental Science minor with a passion for wildlife conservation. While completing her degree at Rowan, Ally volunteered at Woodford Cedar Run (>880 hours) and the Marine Mammal Stranding Center. In these roles, she helps rehabilitate New Jersey’s wildlife, performs database entry for the NOAA, performs educational outreach, and trains other volunteers as a shift leader. She also works with the Woodford Cedar Run chapter of Cornell’s Lab of Ornithology, including the NestWatch program for bluebirds, and recently, she assisted with the autopsy of a beached whale. After graduation, Ally will continue working in non-profit rehabilitation and education while she attends graduate school for Wildlife Conservation. Ultimately, she hopes to work as a Conservation Officer with NJ Fish & Wildlife and become licensed NJ wildlife rehabilitator.