
Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement

U-RISE@Rowan is a comprehensive NIH-funded biomedical research training program that seeks to promote broad participation in the biomedical research workforce by strengthening research training environments and expanding the pool of well-trained students that pursue research careers. We do this by providing mentorship, community, and holistic educational support. The ultimate goal of the program is to prepare undergraduate students interested in research careers for competitive entry into research-focused graduate programs (e.g., PhD, MD/PhD, DO/PhD, MPH/PhD).

U-RISE@Rowan research mentors include faculty from the College of Science & Mathematics, Cooper Medical School of Rowan University, Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering, Schreiber School of Veterinary Medicine, and the Rowan-Virtua School of Osteopathic Medicine. Each of our research mentors are experienced faculty who provide laboratory supervision and critical research guidance, as well as key support in career development. A list of research mentors in the program, their research areas, and campus locations is available here.

How to Apply

First, complete the U-RISE Initial Application by Friday, February 2, 2025 (note: you must be logged into your Rowan Google account to access the application). The program directors will contact you if they require more information. Next, if you are eligible, the directors will invite you to submit the full application.

Benefits of U-RISE

Undergraduate research student trainees engage in biomedically relevant research, training and career development workshops, and coursework that builds their practical and professional skills. For most U-RISE Fellows, training starts in the summer after freshman year and proceeds through graduation.

In addition to focused mentorship and research training, U-RISE Fellows also receive significant financial support, including:

  • year-round stipend
  • a partial scholarship for tuition & fees
  • health insurance
  • conference travel funds
  • sponsored summer research experience at an external research institution

U-RISE@Rowan also sponsors invited speakers, research colloquia, and a variety of career development workshops that are open to all interested undergraduate biomedical and STEM research students.


Eligibility Requirements

You must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident AND majoring in a STEM field. Students must maintain full-time enrollment while at Rowan and achieve a measure of classroom success that will prepare them for graduate studies. Applications to this program are open to every eligible student and we especially encourage applications from students that the NIH has identified.

For more information, please email the program coordinators at u-rise@rowan.edu.