Marcus Wright, Ph.D.

Marcus Wright, Ph.D.

Marcus Wright, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor


AB (Mathematics), Harvard University
PhD (Mathematics), Stanford University

Research Interests:
Complex Analytic Differential Geometry | Iteration of Rational Functions | Deformations of Complex Manifolds

My research interests are in the study of the function theory and analytic invariants of complex manifolds using intrinsic metrics and infinitesimal metrics, such as the Kobayashi metric, and Riemannian curvature, and how these characteristics of a manifold vary with deformation of complex structure.

I also am interested in the dynamics of iteration of rational functions, especially those related to numerical root finding methods, and the effects of deformation on such dynamical systems.

Recent Publications:
Osler T J, Wright M, Orchard M (2005) Theon’s ladder for any root. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. 36, pp. 389-398

Simons CS, Wright M (2004) Zeroing the Baseball Indicator and Chirality of Integer Triples. Journal of Integer Sequences.  1-8.



Spring 2024 - Class Schedule
21646 - MATH 01115-2      CONTEMP MATHEMATICS      W 9:30-10:45      Robinson 211
21646 - MATh 01115-2      CONTEMP MATHEMATICS      F 9:30-10:45      Robinson 227 


Spring 2024 - Office Hours
ZOOM by request at