BS CS or BA CI to MS Bioinformatics
BS CS or BA CI to MS Bioinformatics
Accelerated Dual Degree BS CS 0711 or BA CI 0712 to MS Bioinformatics G711/G712
NOTE: Please visit your advisor regularly. Rowan's progress-tracking tools, such as Degreeworks, are not a replacement for advisor appointments. Do not self-advise as this may put your graduation date in jeopardy.
Note: This program is available for students in both the BS in CS and the BA in C&I. Please make sure to use the correct program guide.
Requirements for Application:
Looking to apply? Complete the ADDP Student Agreement Form and send an email to Dr. Carone at

Program Guide for BS CS to MS Bio
The program guide for 4+1 Bioinformatics students who are currently in the BS in CS.

Program Guide for BA C&I to MS Bio
The program guide for 4+1 Bioinformatics students who are currently in the BA in C&I.

Additional materials for BS CS
Additional advising materials for the Bachelors of Science in Computer Science degree.

Additional materials for BA C&I
Additional advising materials for the Bachelors of Arts in Computing & Informatics degree.

Materials for Bioinformatics
Additional advising materials for the Masters of Science in Bioinformatics.