BS CS to MS Data Science
BS CS to MS Data Science
Accelerated Dual Degree BS CS 0709 to MS Data Science G719
NOTE: Please visit your advisor regularly. Rowan's progress-tracking tools, such as Degreeworks, are not a replacement for advisor appointments. Do not self-advise as this may put your graduation date in jeopardy.
To determine your eligibility for this program, please submit an interest form here!
To learn more about the "4+1" please visit the Academic Programs page here.
Advising materials to apply for the "4+1" programs can be found here.
Looking to apply? Reach out to Dr. Breitzman at

Program Guide
The formal guide for the 4+1 for Computer Science used by the advising team. Contains both the BS and MS programs.

Admissions Applications
The MSDS application form to apply to the ADDP.

Materials for BS in CS
Advising materials for the Bachelors of Science in Computer Science degree.

Materials for the MS in DS
Advising materials for the Masters of Science in Data Science degree.