Advising Materials
Advising Materials
Advising Materials
Quick Links
How do I look up classes?
How do I register for classes?
Registration is completed through Self-Service Banner. ( → Student Tab → Registration → Register for Classes → Term for Registration)
How do I schedule an academic advising appointment with my Advisor?
How can I reach out to my advisor with questions?
For more questions, see our full FAQ page here.
Please see your advisor often!Hopefully, these materials are useful as you progress toward your degree. However, be wary of self-advising. There might be new and emerging options open to you and not yet reflected in these documents. More critically, your advisor is here as a resource to you. Your advisor can help you customize this degree for you! They will also have a good idea about special scheduling constraints/opportunities.

Undergraduate Materials
Advising materials relevant to undergraduate student programs.

Graduate Materials
Advising materials relevant to graduate student programs.

4+1 Program
Materials for the 4+1 programs offered by the department.

Whatever you are looking for is probably here!