BS CS Advising Materials
BS CS Advising Materials
Advising Materials for the BS in CS - 0701
NOTE: Please visit your advisor regularly. Rowan's progress-tracking tools, such as Degreeworks, are not a replacement for advisor appointments. Do not self-advise as this may put your graduation date in jeopardy.
Program Guide
The BS Program Guide containing requirements to fulfill the major and suggested course sequence.

CS Section Finder
Find CS courses that are being offered soon and are specific to your program.

Graphical Pre-req Guide
A graphical guide to the courses in the major, showing their pre-requisites.

Optional Concentrations
Customize your degree by adding a Concentration as a focus area which will appear on your transcript.

Senior Privilege Registration
Form to allow the taking of a graduate-level course while in an undergraduate program.

Standard Course Syllabi
A list of the standard course syllabi for our BS, BA, and MS programs.

Approved Lab Sciences
Not all lab sciences classes count for the BS. Find out which ones do count in the BS Program Guide.

Seeking a Math minor?
What is the easiest way for a Computer Science major to pick up a Mathematics minor?

Transferring from ECE?
As an ECE transfer to this major, which Engineering courses count for the BS in Computer Science?