Program Plan for BS

Program Plan for BS

Program Plan for BS

Rowan Computer Science Program Educational Objectives:

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are broad and long-term career accomplishments our students are expected to achieve within a few years of graduation. Therefore, within 3-5 years of completing the degree requirements, graduates of Rowan's BS in CS program will have demonstrated that they:

  1. Have the requisite computer science skills to develop a career as a computing professional.
  2. Are able to work as part of a project team, to analyze a problem and effectively deliver, document and communicate all aspects of the solution.
  3. Understand ethical, legal and social issues and responsibilities in computing.

Rowan Computer Science Program ABET Student Outcomes:

At the time of graduation, graduates of the Rowan CS program will have attained the following skills as required for a computing program accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission (s) of ABET,, under the General Criteria and the CSAB Program Criteria.             

  1. Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions. 
  2. Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline. 
  3. Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.  
  4. Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.  
  5. Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline. 
  6. Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.

Rowan Computer Science Program Student Learning Goals:

Student learning goals are technical and professional skills our students are expected to attain by the time of graduation.

1.1 Students will understand and be able to apply current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for the computing practice.
1.2 Students will be able to apply knowlege of mathematics, algorithmic principles, and computer science theory to computer systems.
2.1 Students will be able to critically analyze a problem and develop effective solutions.
2.2 Students will be able to work effectively in teams by planning and distributing tasks fairly in a group setting.
2.3 Students will manifest effective oral and written communication skills.
3.1 Students will possess the ability to analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations, and society.
3.2 Students will gain an understanding of professional, ethical, legal and social issues and responsibilites.
The Rowan Student Learning Goals relate to ABET Student Outcomes in the following mapping:
Student Learning Goal Student Outcome




1.2 ABET(6)
2.1 ABET(1)



2.3 ABET(3)
3.1 ABET(4)
3.2 ABET(4)
Student outcomes, Student Learning Goals and Assessment Measures for Program Goal 1.
  1. Have the requisite computer science skills to develop a career as a computing professional.
SLG Student Learning Outcome Category Assessment Measure
1.1 1.1.1: Students have designed and developed software projects in at least three programming languages and at least two different platforms. Indirect

The Curriculum Map

1.1 1.1.2: Students have demonstrated proficiency in one or more programming languages by designing and developing significant software projects. Direct 8C: Language Proficiency
1.1 1.1.3: Students have demonstrated an understanding of the hardware components of a typical computer system. Direct 8G: Hardware
1.1 1.1.4: Students have demonstrated an understanding of the role of an operating system in a modern computing system. Direct

8H: Operating Systems

1.1 1.1.5: Students have developed software applications that have made appropriate use of Abstract Data Types implemented using classic data structures. Direct

8B: Data Structures

1.1 1.1.6: Students have created and explained designs that have leveraged multiple levels of data abstraction. Direct 8B: Data Structures
1.2 1.2.1: Students have demonstrated comprehension of tradeoffs involved in design choices. Direct 8A: Algorithms
1.2 1.2.2: Students have produced an analysis of the complexity of algorithms and suitability of data structures by devising and implementing efficient solutions. Direct 8A: Algorithms
1.2 1.2.3: Students have produced deliverables (e.g., technical reports, proofs) which demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical foundations of computing. Direct 8F: Theoretical Foundations


Student outcomes, Student Learning Goals and Assessment Measures for Program Goal 2.

  2. Are able to work as part of a project team, to analyze a problem and effectively document and communicate all aspects of the solution.
SLG Student Learning Outcome Category Assessment Measure

2.1.1: Students have produced one or more documents that:

  • analyzed a problem;
  • identified and defined the computing requirements appropriate to its solution;
  • developed a solution;
  • evaluated multiple alternative solutions
  • which may have conflicting constraints.

10A: Problem Solving: Client-Centered
10B: Problem Solving: Technical

2.1 2.1.2: Students have designed and implemented a well-engineered solution that meets the desired needs. Direct

10A: Problem Solving: Client-Centered
10B: Problem Solving: Technical

2.1 2.1.3: In the implementation of solutions of varying complexity, students have applied specific design and development principles. Direct 10A: Problem Solving: Client-Centered
10B: Problem Solving: Technical
2.2 2.2.1: Students have participated in paired-programming assignments and/or group projects. Direct 9: Teams
2.2 2.2.2: Students have functioned and communicated effectively with their teammates to accomplish a common goal. Direct 9: Teams
2.3 2.3.1: Students have created effective written documentation, i.e., technical reports/papers and end-user/technical documentation. Direct

6C: End-user/Technical Documents

2.3 2.3.2: Students have delivered technically sound and logically organized presentations Direct 6A: Presentations 
2.3 2.3.3: Students have delivered engaging, audience-focused
Direct 6A: Presentations 


Student outcomes, Student Learning Goals and Assessment Measures for Program Goal 3.

  3. Understand ethical, legal and social issues and responsibilities in computing.
SLG Student Learning Outcome Category Assessment Measure
3.1 3.1.1: Students have demonstrated the capability to formulate a complete, well thought-out solution that takes societal factors into account. Direct 7: Ethics
3.1 3.1.2: Students have actively discussed ethical, legal, security and social issues and will write reflective papers on such topics in computing. Direct 7: Ethics
3.2 3.2.1: Students have examined documentation that they may be expected to create or review in their future careers, such as Acceptable Use Policies, and Proprietary Information Protection Policies. Direct 7: Ethics