Assessing the BS Program

Assessing the BS Program

Assessing the BS Program

The purpose of academic assessment is to enhance Rowan University’s capacity to improve every student’s knowledge, skills, and development.

Assessment is the process of collecting and using reliable information as a basis for program changes. At Rowan University, we systematically measure the extent to which we are achieving desired student learning outcomes and institutional effectiveness targets. We track our progress through annual reports that we publish internally.

The B.S. in Computer Science is assessed according to Rowan standards. This program is also accredited by ABET.  Like all Rowan programs, the B.S. assessment framework consists of:

  • Program Goals: Knowledge, competencies, and attributes graduates of the program will have and apply to their careers 

  • Student Learning Goals: Knowledge, competencies, and attributes students will develop through active participation in the academic program

  • Student Learning Outcomes:  Specific, observable, measurable behaviors of students in the academic program

Our assessment process consists of the following components

  • Assessing Student Learning Outcomes each academic year to ensure that we are meeting our overall Program Goals

  • Annual faculty review of the assessment reports including suggestions for changes in curriculum or changes in assessment standards

  • Ongoing monitoring of curricular issues and submission of new curricular proposals by the Computer Science Curriculum Committee and the CS faculty

  • Engagement of our Computer Science advisory board, made up of faculty, alumni, external educators and industry representatives
  • Reviewing student feedback from graduating students in our Senior Exit Survey