

Contact Us!

To mail or visit us:

Computer Science Department
Rowan University
Robinson Hall, 3rd floor
201 Mullica Hill Road
Glassboro, New Jersey 08028

To email us:

For other questions and inquiries, please email

Key contacts

Department Head
Dr. Vasil Hnatyshin (

Administrative Support
Brenda Harkins (
William Wiegard (
Tiffany Aryee (
Phone: 856-256-4805

Masters of Computer Science Coordinator
Dr. Shen-Shyang Ho (

Masters of Data Science Coordinator
Dr. Anthony Breitzman (

Masters of Cybersecurity Coordinator
Fred Stinchcombe (

Chief Technologist
Kimberly Poolos (

Academic Advising
Michael Schillo, Graduate Adviser

Jessica Fischetti
Jill Ferrara
Natalie Ryan

Student Web Masters
Julius Leone (Team Manager)
Robert Morgan (Assistant Manager)
Kiley Parker (Team Writer)
Sushanth Ambati
Joseph Forte
Dylan Jablonski
Anamaria Oharciuc
Malakai Pressey
Emily Sellers
Will Zakroff


CS Jobs Mailing List

A great way to discover new internship and job openings is through the CS Jobs Mailing list. The CS Jobs mailing list is an absolutely FREE email list set up by the Rowan university Computer Science Department where announcements about jobs in Computer Science fields are posted. Anyone can be added to the list but only certain people can send emails to the list.