This page links to resources that can help you with issues relating to CS advising. It may be helpful to bookmark this page as it will be updated with new forms or links as they become relevant.
If you are still lost, please see this larger more general university faq page.
Useful Forms
Transfer Course to CS Program
Senior Privilege Committee Approval
Third Time Course Repeat Request
Relevant Information
Standard Course Syllabi
How do I look up classes?
- Use the Rowan Section Tally! It is organized by term and includes all Rowan course offerings.
- You can use the Section Tally to search for courses by term and then you can narrow that search by a number of options such as specific subject, college, or department. The Section Tally lists all registration-related information for each course including start and end dates, meeting days and times, campus, location, mode of delivery (hybrid, online, etc.) instructor, prerequisites/restrictions, and whether or not there is any space available in the class.
- Link to Section Tally: IRT / ASA / Web Processes / Section_Tally
How to I register for classes?
- Registration is completed through Self-Service Banner. ( → Student Tab → Registration → Register for Classes → Term for Registration)
- Video How To: Registration through Banner (must be logged into Rowan Account to View)
- Step by Step How To: THE OFFICE OF THE UNIVERSITY REGISTRAR (view page 2)
- Link to Login to access Registration Screen: homepage
Who is my advisor and how can I schedule an appointment with them?
All students are assigned a Computer Science Advisor from University Advising. Advisors are listed and should be booked through RSN-Starfish (except during open hours periods).
Advisor | Student Population Served | |
Natalie Ryan | Computer Science with Freshman and Sophomore status | |
Jill Ferrara | Computer Science with Junior and Senior status | |
Jessica Fischetti | Computing & Informatics, Minor degrees | |
Marren Magee | Computer Systems Technology entering Rowan as Freshman | |
Dennis Barrera | Computer Systems Technology Rowan Transfer Students | |
Michael Schillo | Graduate Students | |
- Your advisor will appear in your “Success Network” and you can select to make an appointment with your CS advisor and see availability (hint: dates in bold have openings) For assistance using RSN to schedule an advising appointment, please view this video:
Academic credits for internships
What certificates do you have for non-CS students?
What is RSN?
The Rowan Success Network (RSN) powered by Starfish® is the online
communications program designed to make it easier to connect you with the
resources to be successful at Rowan. Throughout the semester, you may receive
emails from the RSN team regarding your academic performance. You should
pay attention to these emails and consider taking the recommended actions.
The University Tutoring Center is also available free of charge to all Rowan
students. You may utilize the scheduling tools on RSN Starfish® to make
appointments, including tutoring and advising, at your convenience. More
information can be viewed on the University Tutoring page.
Rowan Seminar
intended to help facilitate your transition to Rowan and college-level work with
smaller class sizes along with providing you with the tools and resources you may need to
succeed. The goals of Rowan Seminar courses are to:
- Reinforce necessary collegiate academic skills such as time management, study skills, academic integrity, goal setting, effective class participation, stress management, connecting with the Rowan community, locating resources, etc...
- Emphasize the value of cooperative learning
- Build writing and critical thinking skills applicable to the course
- Develop library research skills specific to course content
General Policies
Curriculum Changes
A course I need is not being offered
Class withdrawal
Data | Process | Transcript |
Regular Add/Drop | Drop/add courses easily without forms or approvals |
Course will not be shown (if dropped) |
Late Add/Drop | Drop/add courses with form and instructor signature |
Course will not be shown (if dropped) |
Regular Withdrawal | Withdraw from course with form and instructor signature |
Course grade of W |
Late Withdrawal | Withdraw for extenuating circumstances having Dept. of Computer Science approval with withdrawal form, instructor signature, and department chair signature |
Course grade of WP/WF (as determined by instructor) |
Hardship Withdrawal | NO withdrawals except for extreme circumstances with department chair and dean withdrawal form signatures |
Course grade of WP/WF (as determined by instructor) |
Refer to Rowan Registrar dates and deadlines chart for the specific semester at:
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism
Integrity Policy and the Student Code of Conduct. Students will be held accountable
to strictly adhere to these policies. By the act of assignment/assessment submission,
it will be assumed that students thereby affirm that they have neither received nor
provided any unauthorized assistance with the completion of their work.
Plagiarism and cheating in ANY form is considered academic dishonesty and will
NOT be tolerated.
Accessing, utilizing, sharing, or posting any course work/materials using
unauthorized resources (including Chegg, CourseHero, or other similar sites) is also
strictly forbidden.
ALL suspected academic integrity violations will be reported via the Report of an
Academic Integrity Violation (RAIV) Form and will result in penalties that may
include a failing course grade and/or probation, suspension, or expulsion from
any missed material and for completing all work by the assigned due dates. You should
notify the instructor of your absence as soon as possible. For more information on
student attendance responsibilities, see the Rowan Attendance Policy.
Classroom Decorum
promote the learning environment by respecting their instructor/classmates and by
adhering to the Rowan Classroom Behavior Policy.
have an impact on your work in this class, please contact the instructor ASAP.
Students must schedule their exams in the testing center if they are eligible to
receive extra time per their accommodations. Students must provide documentation
of their disability to the Academic Success Center in order to receive official
University services and accommodations. The Academic Success Center can be
reached at (856) 256-4259. The Center is located on the third floor of Savitz Hall. The
staff is available to answer questions regarding accommodations or to assist you in
your pursuit of accommodations.
Computer and Network Acceptable Use
and network acceptable use policies for faculty, staff, and students. Detailed
information may be found on the Rowan Acceptable Use Policy, Computer Lab Usage
Policy, Workstation Use Policy, and Mobile Electronic Device Policy. Or, access all
Rowan Information Resources & Technology Policies and Procedures.