Nikolay "Nick" Ivanov, Ph.D.
Nikolay "Nick" Ivanov, Ph.D.
Nikolay "Nick" Ivanov, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Contact Info
Websites: Website
Ph.D., Computer Science, Michigan State University
B.S., Computer Science, Southwest Minnesota State University
Research Expertise:
Distributed Systems | Applied Cryptography | Digital Equity | Usable Security | Cyber Systems
I am the director for the Research Laboratory for Advanced Cyber Systems and Usable Security (ACSUS Lab) where we work on the next generation of cyber systems, self-sovereign digital identities, and digital solutions that prevent corruption and abuse of power.
Teaching Narrative:
I am a Certified College Teacher (CCT) and SUTL fellow with research experience in the field of higher education pedagogy. My teaching philosophy is founded on three principles: relevance, inclusive teaching and cross-integration of teaching and research. I currently teach Computer Organization and Computer Science Research.
Honors and Awards:
National Science Foundation (NSF) "CRII: SaTC: A Framework for Usable Self-Sovereign Digital Identities"
Professional Memberships:
Association for Computing Machinery
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Selected Publications:
B. Chen, N. Ivanov, G. Wang, Q. Yan. "Multi-turn hidden backdoor in large language model-powered chatbot models" [ACM Asia CCS '24]
N. Ivanov, C. Li, Z. Sun, Z. Cao, X. Luo, Q. Yan. "Security Threat Mitigation For Smart Contracts: A Comprehensive Survey" [ACM Computing Surveys (ACM CSUR)], 2022
H. Guo, Y. Wang, N. Ivanov, L. Xiao, Q. Yan. "SpecPatch: Human-In-The-Loop Adversarial Audio Spectrogram Patch Attack on Speech Recognition" [ACM CCS '22]
N. Ivanov, A. Kompalli, Q. Yan. "TxT: Real-time Transaction Encapsulation for Ethereum Smart Contracts" [IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (IEEE TIFS)], 2022