2023-2024 Year in Review
2023-2024 Year in Review
2023-2024 Year In Review
It's been another fantastic year here at the Rowan Computer Science department, with our student community more bustling than ever. Cross-contiental competitions, droves of employeers itching to meet with our students, a brand new degree, field trips, and so, so much more! As our final update before summer swings in, let's do a victory lap around all the amazing events our faculty and student leaders have put together.
These articles published during the 2023-2024 school year were written by Kiley Parker, a third year writing arts student, ACM club president, and lead writer for the computer science department webteam. From me and the entire webteam, we wanted to extend a thanks to all of the wonderful members of our college for keeping this community alive. We wouldn't have a website to run without you!

ACM Takes Trip to Cesium Philly Headquarters
ACM chapter members were invited to the Cesium headquarters in Philadelphia. Cesium treated the club to snacks, a tour, and several presentations on what it looked like working in the company.
To learn more, click here.

Spotlight on Professor Nick Ivanov
The CS Department prides itself in its experienced, knowledgeable faculty. Recently, the department has gained several new staff members, including associate professor Dr. Nikolay “Nick” Ivanov. The recipient of awards such as Outstanding Graduate Achievement in Computer Science Award and the Othmer Exceptional Scholar, on top of being a Certified College Teacher, graduating summa cum laude, and a member of Phi Kappa Phi– Professor Ivanov is a wonderful addition to our faculty.
To learn more, click here.

New Degree: Computer Systems and Technologies
The computer science department has always prided itself on serving its students with the skills needed in the working world. This past semester, a groundbreaking new program was made available that aligns with that mantra. Not only does this new program broaden learning opportunities for Rowan students– it’s one of the first programs in the state that connects community college associate degrees to a four year degree at Rowan.
To learn more, click here.

CS Research Presentation Series
The Computer Science department is proud to support cutting edge research conducted by our community. Our tireless researchers—and those who want to get started but don't know how—to the Computer Science Weekly Research Presentation Series.
To learn more, click here.

Rowan Cyber Club Forms Transatlantic Conncetion
Rowan Cyber Security is going international! Connecting with other computer scientists all over the globe provides a student with exciting opportunities to network and see beyond their local curriculum. The Rowan Cybersecurity club has an exciting opportunity to make those connections happen. Last fall, Rowan student cyber enthusiasts teamed up with the CTF-Falcones— The University of West England’s student cybersecurity society— to form the Transatlantic Cyber Security Club.
To learn more, click here.

Fall 2023 Lockheed Martin Speaker Event
Recently, our department was happy to host another speaker event, this time exclusively featuring our partners over at Lockheed Martin. Hosted on November 3rd, this was a wonderful opportunity for students to learn about working at one of the biggest weapon contractors in the country. Students learned the ins and outs of the company from daily routines, work life balance, internships, and opportunities to move up and around the corporation.
To learn more, click here.

Cybersecruity at Lockheed Martin
Earlier this month, students had the great opportunity to learn more about careers in cybersecurity from Lockheed Martin’s Kevin Mckenna. McKenna spoke about his own winding cyber journey, and how varied jobs in the field can be.
To learn more, click here.

Spotlight on Professor Ben Widener
This fall, the CS department had two new professors join our faculty; the second of which being Professor Benjamin Weidner. An alumni from Rowan himself, Professor Weidner wishes to help establish game development courses here at Rowan, and help aspiring devs find their footing.
To learn more, click here.

Rowan Students Invited to Microsoft NYC Campus
What’s the best way to spend a weekend? You could take a fun trip, or buckle down and do something productive. This past March, several Rowan CS students volunteered to do both. The Microsoft Corporation invited CS students to their campus in New York City for a personalized tour. Students met with Rowan alumni now working at Microsoft to discuss exciting new technology from the company, and how a career in CS looks post graduation.
To learn more, click here.

2023 Spring Research Symposium
Here at the department, students are always working on new research projects. Students work with faculty on a wide variety of research topics, developing their programming skills beyond their classroom instruction. Each spring and summer, students get a chance to present what they’ve learned, showcasing their data to the rest of the university. Our Spring 2023 Research Symposium was a massive success, with students from every corner of the department taking center stage.
To learn more, click here.