Getting Involved

Getting Involved

Undergraduate student Michael Naples discusses machine learning to discover software defects.  This research was conducted by a student team in the course Software Engineering.

Experiential Research

One type of research students at Rowan can undertake is Experiential Research. Our classes like Software Engineering and Senior Project embed a research experience into the classroom supporting the high-impact principles of integrating research into culminating project experiences. Field-based “experiential learning” with community partners is generally incorporated into real-world projects. 

Other courses such as TCP/IP And Internet Protocols And Technologies include research papers as part of the curriculum.

Other Research Opportunities

By special arrangements, students can have an Independent Study research experience with a faculty member. If interested in research, please register your profile with the CS Faculty. This will save your information and make it available to CS Faculty.

Additionally, CS students can apply for a research position through the Rowan CS - Bristol Myers Squibb Collaboration. See here for more information.