Learning Assistant Program
Learning Assistant Program
CS Learning Assistants Program
The Computer Science Learning Assistant (LA) Program is an innovative approach of integrating a student-centered interactive learning environment using Learning Assistants in the Rowan University Computer Science Department. Based on the successful LA models at the University of Colorado at Boulder and the University of Maryland, exceptional undergraduate CS students are recruited to engage in CS introductory courses focusing on student-centered learning.
The goals of the CS Learning Assistant Program are:
1) To recruit and engage exceptional undergraduate CS students by enabling them with the knowledge and experience to strengthen their understanding while developing their leadership and interpersonal skills
2) To acclimate first-year CS students to collegiate academia and the rigors of the demanding CS major by promoting group collaboration, cooperation and interaction with support from an student-centered Learning Assistant
3) To improve and enhance student contact with additional resources provided by a peer Learning Assistant to complement the course instructor with directed focus on facilitating student learning
Responsibilities of the Learning Assistant
For more information on the CS Learning Assistant Program, please contact the Computer Science Department in Robinson #330.
To see the current Computer Science LA's, and Tutors, Click Here.
Faculty Testimonials
Dr. Gabriela Hristescu, Computer Science
"I had a CS Learning Assistant in my Honors Intro to Object Oriented Programming class. He has done an exceptional job helping students in the lab with his outstanding expertise. He never missed a class, has always been prepared and punctual, and when asked also provided feedback on the content of the assignments. He has proven to be an invaluable asset to the class, being instrumental in helping students better understand the material and completing the work in a timely manner. I look forward to having LAs in all my future semesters."
Professor Jack Myers, Computer Science
"I used Learning Assistants for several semesters in Object Oriented Programming and Data Abstraction. The students felt that their mastery of material was enhanced by small, practice Active Learning exercises (facilitated by the LAs). Even more value was obtained by using LAs to spend quality time with students in reviewing their lab submissions. Instead of just receiving feedback at grading time, the students were able to have their code reviewed by LAs who took the opportunity to explain issues in the code or to suggest more elegant alternatives. The students definitely benefited from such exposure."
Professor Stephen Weissman, Computer Science
"I have been teaching (mainly) OOPDA classes with assigned Learning Assistants (“LA”s) for about five years. The LA’s have been a tremendous asset to me and to the students in my classes. First of all, they have been consistently excellent CS students with a sincere interest in helping their peers succeed in the coursework. In in-person classes, LA’s collaborate to provide help when students are doing labs. In Zoom and Webex online class formats, the LA’s traverse breakout rooms and elicit answers to questions about the lab or assignment, and also assist students in completing labs. In my opinion, working with an LA is totally non-threatening to a student, whereas sometimes some students feel that they are revealing a lack of competency when they ask the instructor for help. Many current Tutors are also LA’s, and vice versa. Tutors meet with students on a “drop-in” basis online (Webex) or in person at a designated CS tutoring location, and they provide invaluable assistance to anyone who asks. I have been impressed by the overall structure of the LA program. Students are recruited via applications and/or recommendations from faculty and the LA’s get course credit through short seminar courses that introduce some fundamental principles of teaching and learning. The dedication of the students, the staff and the Department to this program is impressive!"