Volunteering Opportunities at Rowan University

Volunteering Opportunities at Rowan University

Volunteer Opportunities


Volunteering as a college student offers manifold benefits: it enhances resumes, making candidates more attractive to employers despite any resume imperfections. It fosters skill development, providing real-world experience and honing leadership, problem-solving, and time-management abilities. Community service allows students to apply academic knowledge in practical situations, akin to internships but with the added value of societal impact. Networking opportunities abound as nonprofits collaborate with various entities, offering career insights and connections. Moreover, volunteering promotes a balanced lifestyle, aiding in time management and contributing to mental and physical well-being, encouraging lifelong social consciousness. You can read more about the benefits of volunteerism here.

Whether you are volunteering for your own reasons or to log them for your favorite CS student organization, there are many opportunities in and around the CS department.